Deloitte India

Deloitte India is a fast-growing branch of Deloitte worldwide. Thirteen offices with about 15,000 employees, with tens of thousands more set to join their ranks over the next few years. Many of them provide professional services to India’s burgeoning economy, but many more are doing so for the world’s largest economy: the United States.

My Role

UX designer: discovery, design, user flow.


Creating an educational VR experience

The goal behind this experience is to show Deloitte clients and potential-clients that their India offices are an ever-growing and important part of what Deloitte offers businesses worldwide. Through various interactive tools and game-like products, users will be introduced to the scope of the campus, strategy, security and culture of Deloitte India.

User flow

Using a VR headset and a handheld controller, the user is able to explore the 3D space, the Main Hub, and control the different interactive products within each section.

The main hub

The Hub will act as a home base for users, presenting them with a set of labeled doors that will lead them to each of four topics within Deloitte India. Inside each topic the users will interact with videos, animations, photos and 3D objects to learn more.

The user will begin in the Main Hub, and use this space as a exploratory learning area, allowing the user to become accustomed to the headset, the handheld controller, and the HUD controls that will always live at the bottom of their field of vision.

This is a handful of the many wireframes within this project to help show the general idea.


The user path

Each section begins with a door leading the user into a 360 video with a host. When the video is complete, clickable hotspots become visible, which when clicked, reveal different types of interactive media: photo galleries, photo cards and books, videos, and 3D objects.

Look and feel

The UI and visual design portions of this project were completed by the Deloitte design team. My role was strictly UX design.

The result

While the user flow was pretty straightforward, creating and documenting the UX needed for each of the interactive media pieces was a new challenge for me. In the end, our goal of creating a simple, elegant experience for users to learn about Deloitte India’s offerings was a success.




Deloitte Consulting